full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Jack Dorsey: How Twitter needs to change

Unscramble the Blue Letters

JD: Just to back up a bit, we asked ourselves a question: Can we actually measure the heatlh of a conversation, and what does that mean? And in the same way that you have indicators and we have indicators as humans in terms of are we healthy or not, such as temperature, the fslhunses of your face, we believe that we could find the indicators of conversational health. And we worked with a lab called Cortico at MIT to propose four starter indicators that we believe we could ultimately measure on the sysetm. And the first one is what we're calling shared attention. It's a measure of how much of the conversation is attentive on the same topic versus disparate. The second one is called shared reality, and this is what percentage of the conversation shares the same ftacs — not whether those facts are truthful or not, but are we sharing the same facts as we converse? The third is receptivity: How much of the conversation is receptive or civil or the inverse, tixoc? And then the fourth is variety of ptrievecspe. So, are we seeing filter bubbles or echo chambers, or are we actually getting a vtariey of opinions within the conversation? And implicit in all four of these is the understanding that, as they increase, the conversation gets hheeltair and healthier.

Open Cloze

JD: Just to back up a bit, we asked ourselves a question: Can we actually measure the ______ of a conversation, and what does that mean? And in the same way that you have indicators and we have indicators as humans in terms of are we healthy or not, such as temperature, the _________ of your face, we believe that we could find the indicators of conversational health. And we worked with a lab called Cortico at MIT to propose four starter indicators that we believe we could ultimately measure on the ______. And the first one is what we're calling shared attention. It's a measure of how much of the conversation is attentive on the same topic versus disparate. The second one is called shared reality, and this is what percentage of the conversation shares the same _____ — not whether those facts are truthful or not, but are we sharing the same facts as we converse? The third is receptivity: How much of the conversation is receptive or civil or the inverse, _____? And then the fourth is variety of ___________. So, are we seeing filter bubbles or echo chambers, or are we actually getting a _______ of opinions within the conversation? And implicit in all four of these is the understanding that, as they increase, the conversation gets _________ and healthier.


  1. toxic
  2. variety
  3. flushness
  4. system
  5. healthier
  6. perspective
  7. facts
  8. health

Original Text

JD: Just to back up a bit, we asked ourselves a question: Can we actually measure the health of a conversation, and what does that mean? And in the same way that you have indicators and we have indicators as humans in terms of are we healthy or not, such as temperature, the flushness of your face, we believe that we could find the indicators of conversational health. And we worked with a lab called Cortico at MIT to propose four starter indicators that we believe we could ultimately measure on the system. And the first one is what we're calling shared attention. It's a measure of how much of the conversation is attentive on the same topic versus disparate. The second one is called shared reality, and this is what percentage of the conversation shares the same facts — not whether those facts are truthful or not, but are we sharing the same facts as we converse? The third is receptivity: How much of the conversation is receptive or civil or the inverse, toxic? And then the fourth is variety of perspective. So, are we seeing filter bubbles or echo chambers, or are we actually getting a variety of opinions within the conversation? And implicit in all four of these is the understanding that, as they increase, the conversation gets healthier and healthier.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
healthy contribution 3
public conversation 3
single day 2
violent extremist 2
american nazi 2
nazi party 2
associate folks 2
daily active 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
american nazi party 2

Important Words

  1. asked
  2. attention
  3. attentive
  4. bit
  5. bubbles
  6. called
  7. calling
  8. chambers
  9. civil
  10. conversation
  11. conversational
  12. converse
  13. cortico
  14. disparate
  15. echo
  16. face
  17. facts
  18. filter
  19. find
  20. flushness
  21. fourth
  22. health
  23. healthier
  24. healthy
  25. humans
  26. implicit
  27. increase
  28. indicators
  29. inverse
  30. lab
  31. measure
  32. mit
  33. opinions
  34. percentage
  35. perspective
  36. propose
  37. reality
  38. receptive
  39. shared
  41. sharing
  42. starter
  43. system
  44. temperature
  45. terms
  46. topic
  47. toxic
  48. truthful
  49. ultimately
  50. understanding
  51. variety
  52. worked